Planning your consultation

How quickly can I get an appointment?

We will ensure you are seen as soon as possible following your referral to one of Mr Mutimer’s clinics – if necessary, you can usually be seen within a couple of days.

What will happen at the consultation?

A discussion of your complaint and a thorough examination will be carried out to determine the cause of your problem and the appropriate course of action to treat it. Further investigations may be carried out on the day or be organised separately.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

Please bring a list of any current medications, if applicable.

Will treatment be recognised by my health insurance company?

Authorisation is usually required from your insurance company. We will liaise with you regarding any particular questions you have about this.

Preparing for surgery

How long will I have to wait for surgery?

You won’t have to wait long and there are usually no delays. However, there are certain procedures that need to be carried out before surgery, such as pre-assessment, which can include blood tests and routine heart and lung tests, as a well an assessment by the anaesthetic team.

How long will I stay in hospital?

This will depend on your operation. For some procedures, such as a hip injection or knee arthroscopy, you can usually be treated and home within the same day. For others, such as a hip replacement, you may be in hospital for up to five days. However, the emphasis is on getting you up and about as soon as is safe for you. You will not be discharged until the surgeon, the physiotherapist and the nursing staff are happy with your progress.

After Surgery

How big will my scar be?

This varies depending on what type of surgery you have. However, this will be discussed in full with you before the operation.

Will I need to take any drugs after surgery?

Aside from your usual medication, you will be given the appropriate pain relief drugs, as well as medication to reduce the risk of blood clots, if appropriate.

Will I need physiotherapy?

Intensive physiotherapy is a huge part of the recovery process following joint replacement surgery. You will be seen at least once daily, often twice, and your physiotherapist will monitor your progress closely.

Will I be able to drive?

It’s not advisable to drive for six weeks following major surgery such as a joint replacement. You will be able to return to driving much quicker after day surgery – for example, after knee arthroscopy you can usually drive within a week.

How soon before I can walk again?

You will be up and about on the day of or the day following your hip or knee replacement. It is recognised that early (and safe) mobilisation enhances recovery.